Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Types of advertising - Part #1 - I'm not an idiot so stop talking to me like I am.

Old school Interrupters - Interrupt me using old media
The newspaper tried to interrupt my reading by using a full page advertisement but it takes me about 1 second to turn the page and avoid the ad.  That was their business model.  It doesn't work anymore because well, I don't get the paper.  I can get all that news on their web site.  Now they interrupt me with sliding banner ads that cover the content on their web page so I switched to get the RSS feed of the same stories.  

Are automobile sales people idiots or just tasteless?  Or is the public that dumb?  Why does every car sales commercial scream, have bold lettering and say "THIS WEEK ONLY!!"  Maybe because it works and maybe b/c they're not creative at all.  Maybe they're trying to get the impulsive buyer off his can and onto their parking lot.  Maybe buying a new car is a bad decision 99% of the time so they have to shock and/or push you into visiting the lot.  Whatever the reason most people ignore those commercials now b/c they're all the same.  
So what about you?  Is your business growing?  Is your advertising bringing in measurable results?  Have you thought about or tried social media but been frustrated because it doesn't seem to give you the return you want on your time and/or investment?  Listen, I didn't ask my wife to marry me when she knocked on my apartment door to introduce herself 5 years ago and you shouldn't expect me (your potential customer) to marry your product just because you introduced yourself.   

Old school interrupters do two things wrong...they assume that they can woo me in 30 seconds or a full page ad.  Secondly, the only value they add is a "great price".  I'm not buying it...literally, so I ignore all their messages.  

Technology isn't the answer to every advertising issue so maybe I can't help you.  Building relationships with your customers IS the answer to long term success so find someone to help you do that.  If I can help let me know.

If you want to get my ATTENTION...
1. Talk to me like I'm a human
2. Don't try to talk about price so much.  I'll pay more if you're more human.  

Old school interrupters, your days are numbered because of the DVR and RSS feeds.  Use social media, print ads, mailers, whatever you want...just stop talking to me like I'm an idiot and start asking for my opinions or add some value to my life.  I love my family for a million reasons but the most selfish is that they bring me so much joy.  When's the last time you brought a customer joy?  Stop trying to interrupt your customers and start dating them.  They might just marry your product and wouldn't that be a beautiful union?

Posted via web from Thoughts that matter...

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