Monday, March 22, 2010

Experience only matters in high school

I remember my freshman year.  I was no one...for the simple reason that I was inexperienced. I had no experience being a high school kid.  Fast're an adult now.  You have an idea that will enable businesses to make more money, increase customer satisfaction.  But how much experience do you have?  Doesn't matter.  Experience only matters in high school.  In the real world ideas beat experience (at least they should). 

So what's your excuse for not starting something new?  You're not experienced?  So what?  Here's a tip - If you know more than me about sewing or baseball or electrodes or pillows then you're an expert in my eyes.  Experts know more than their audience, that's all it takes. So what are you an expert in and how can you leverage that expertise to come up with ideas that help people.  It doesn't matter if it's your first idea and you're the new kid on the block.  Bill Gates' first and last company was the eventual Microsoft.  It went through some name changes but overall his baby in the beginning is the Microsoft you know today. 

You don't have to be Bill Gates and it doesn't have to have anything to do with computers.  It's not the business sector that decides success, it's your idea.  No more excuses please.  Start something. The world needs you to make it a better place.

((tag: entrepreneur, bill gates, andy traub, solopreneur, new kids on the block, earth, high school, ideas, experience))

Posted via email from Thoughts that matter...

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