Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Now taking requests for tutorials

Everyone seems to want to have things "perfect" before they let people sit down at their dinner table, ride in their car or visit their web page.  Well, I'm different.  I'm in the process of building a new site called www.TraubTutorials.com.  If you go there now you'll notice it's pretty bland...like it's not finished.  Because it's not.

Instead of waiting for perfect I'm going to tell you go there now and request a tutorial by hitting the BIG RED BUTTON on the side bar.  You can request any sort of tutorial you want and chances are I can make it for you...for free.  How will you make money doing things for free Andy?  Well, I've got that figured out in my head and on paper so for now just ask me for free help and I'll give it to you. 

No one who is alive is perfect so I'm not afraid to show you what it looks like to build a page.  It'll be sweet when I'm done but now it looks pretty naked.  I'm not afraid to show you that so welcome to the real web, where things take time to grow, develop, become effective, become profitable and get noticed.  All great things take time so thanks for taking the time to visit the site (www.TraubTutorials.com) and letting me know what I can help you with. 

Posted via email from Thoughts that matter...

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