Saturday, February 27, 2010

So you're not different (story #1)

I was in the market for a Macbook Pro and because I know that Apple has a very tight rein on the prices for their products the decision as to who I was going to buy the computer from was going to come down to something other than price.  I looked on-line and knew I could get one through but I would rather spend my money locally, even if it was going to be a chain store.  So I went to Best Buy to see their fancy display of all things Apple.  A very helpful guy came out and showed me how the Magic Mouse works since I asked about it.  But then came trouble.

Q. "I can buy this computer at a lot of places.  Why should I buy it here?" 
A. "We have an amazing Geek Squad warranty program.  If it breaks we'll fix or replace it.  If you drop it in a lake or bring the computer in with a shovel that's not covered,  but usually we'll cover most issues."  That Geek Squad insurance is supposed to replace the Apple Care program.  Problem is, the Geek Squad insurance is $399.99.  Apple Care is $249.  Here's an example of why the Geek Squad insurance stinks - Geek Squad insurance FAIL .  The issue wasn't the cost of the policy as much as it was that this guy's answer as to why I should buy it there was "in case it breaks, we'll fix it.  Unless you drop it in a lake or carry it into the store with a shovel."

Andy's sarcastic brain: So what if I drop it in a pond?  How much water can I dip my computer in?  And about the shovel...if I bring it in a wheel barrow will I get coverage?

Lessons to apply to your business:
1. If you have a warranty make it clear so you or your staff can explain it well to the customer.
2. If you have a warranty then cover what people buy from you.  Angry people talk more than happy people.
3. If you can't communicate why I should buy something from you then I'm not likely to buy from you...ever.
4. It's not always about price and when you know it's not about price (Best Buy, and my local Apple store = same price) then you should have something that separates you from the competition. 

So I bought the computer at my local Apple licensed store and I'm glad I did.  Those guys love Apple and if I need help I can go to them anytime I need to.  I think they're working on a t-shirt or Apple jacket for me too.  Yeah, I'm a total fanboy.

The big question: So what makes YOUR business different, better, unique, get the idea. Got an answer? Care to share it?

Posted via email from Thoughts that matter...

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